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What type of hotels do you book?

We are a luxury brand. We only book hotels that are no lower than 3.5-5 starsNo Motel 6 from us.

Is there payment plans?

90% of the time, yes. If you're trying to leave within a month, you will have to pay in full.

Is there deposits?

Yes. Deposits are a minimum of $75 and increases depending on the trip/amount of people.

What is my deposit money going towards?

There is a one-time $25 booking fee per person for traveling within the U.S. and U.S. territories. There is a one-time $50 booking fee per person for any other international travel. All other funds will go towards your vacation.

Do payment plans require credit checks?

Simple answer, no.

Do I need a passport?

Not if you're traveling within the U.S. (including Hawaii and Alaska) or U.S. territories (i.g. Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam). Everywhere else, yes it is required.

Will I get approved for a passport if I owe child support?

Depending on how much you owe, there is a possibility you may be denied.

Can I book excursions?

Yes, but they must be paid in full.

How far in advance can we book?

Typically up 2 years in advance.

I reserved a room already, can I add somebody else to my booking?

Unfortunately, our system doesn't allow us to add anyone to a room that already has a paid deposit. The most we can do is remove unwanted travelers or change traveler info (i.e. name, age)

Are you legit?

Yes we are. We're currently stationed in Bakersfield, CA.

Which places can I book?

Anywhere in the world your heart desires that your heart desires. So domestic (U.S.) and international.

Do I need travel insurance?

While it's not required, it's recommended incase anything unexpected were to happen.

Do you accept last-minute bookings?

Yes but anything that is within 30-45 days from departure will need to be paid in full.

Can I book if I live outside of the U.S.?

No. Currently, we are only able to serve clients within the U.S.

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